Sunday, January 20, 2008

Beware ! Indian Online Advertising Industry

Im about to complete my MBA finally and have accepted offer for a management role with Tyroo Media , a STIG group company (which also owns Qusar Media,Zoomtra etc ).

Intrestingly Yahoo hiolds around 40% stake in Tyroo - with major competitors being Google Advertising Network apart from the host of such networks that have entered the indian online advertising market recently .

My role will be in the Business Development teamTeam -aka building relations with the advertisers and ensuring they maximise thier ROI and stick with us.

Its a dream job , though may pay lesser than the ICICI offer i have in hand. As they say - follow your passion, and everything else follows !


A random sweet guy said...

I agree.. Follow your passion! the money follows..

aldrin james said...

Indian Online Advertising I think has the most number. I can see it in all websites that I see. But I am so amazed on how they do all those amazing stuff. Their works seems very effective.

Colorado advertising