Saturday, April 5, 2008

MBA Entrepreneurship - MBA Fee Hike

The recent fee hike by MBA institutes bring a relief to me ....wondering why ? coz Icfai is no longer one of the "most expensive b-schools" !

IIM-A took the lead by doubling its fee to almost among all the debate on wether its a fair/ethical move or not etc , one particular thought worries me.

Even if the students do manage to pay the fee through educational loans (rationale given by IIM) - what about post MBA entrepreneurship ??? Asitis it was tough to turn down the fat packages on offer - but now these brave hearts also have to worry about - who pays back my lacs in education loan if i dont takeup the campus offers !!!

think about it, would the IIM's provide any relief to such people who wanna tread the path less taken?